Mary Garvey Horst
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Mary’s journey – both personally and professionally -- has been characterized by continuous evolution and growth.

She grew up in south Louisiana, with cultural constraints regarding a woman’s role being confined primarily to the home. Mary found little support for professional aspirations, much less the desire to make a meaningful contribution for the betterment of humanity. However, Mary met these perceived “roadblocks” with an inner curiosity and drive for exploring what life could offer of greater depth and meaning. She would not allow herself to be boxed in, to muffle her authentic voice, or to settle for a less than a WHOLE and flourishing life.

An early divorce caused her to question the religion/spirituality of her younger years and motivated her to obtain two Master’s degrees – in Religious Studies and in Social Work. These academic studies, as well as Mary’s accompanying career roles, lit a spark of passion within her. Mary’s warmth, empathy and intuitive listening draw people to her naturally, and have served her well in the transformation from teacher, to counselor and psychotherapist, to coach and yoga teacher. The common thread in these career embodiments is Mary’s ability to help her clients see the innate gifts that they aren’t valuing in themselves. Mary invites the MORE within of each of her clients as an enhancement to live FULLY.

For Mary, to live FULLY and to expand into a whole and flourishing life means to grow beyond any perceived limitations or constrictions into one of greater positivity, health, wellness, and personal abundance. Rather than looking over one’s shoulder into the past for clues of what isn’t working, why not create a forward-moving perspective? This approach embodies the fundamental shift in perspective from a psychotherapeutic approach to that of coaching.

For an experienced coach, psychotherapist, and yoga instructor who has an integrated body, mind, and spirit perspective and practice, contact Mary Garvey Horst, LCSW, RYT-500 to become your wise guide for personal growth, integration, and transformation.